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I am seeking help for my mother who is 57 years old. She has always been angry, impatient and anxious, but now things have become very difficult to handle at home, with any disagreement, however minor, causing a havoc and ending in a miserable climax. She has become very bitter and hateful, towards family members and life in general, and cannot take any kind of criticism, constructive or otherwsie. She tends to seek out problems and worries over them till she is sick. This is impacting our family gretaly. I stay in a different ciy, and my father faces the brunt of this. He is 67 years old. I have convinced my mother with great difficulty to visit Mr. S. K. Mukherjee and we will be visiting today. She is adamant though that she will not continue going or take the prescribed medicine. Is there any way known to you to make this experience look useful to her as well? To make her feel comfortable? Thank you very much for reading and your time.