
Permanent Invitees

Founder Secretary and two other founder members of Samikshani are Permanent Invitees to the Parshad.

Ms. Rotraut Roy Chowdhury

Ms. Rotraut Roy Chowdhury, psychoanalyst, is the Founder Secretary of Samikshani. She has pioneering experience in several areas in the field of mental health. She initiated counseling courses at Samikshani, and designed several courses for NGO workers of diverse educational backgrounds. Ms. Roy Chowdhury has a pioneering role in raising awareness on mental health issues through seminars, lectures and television programmes. She initiated a mental health committee in All Bengal Women’s Union, which was one of first efforts by an organization running a shelter home to integrate mental health services in the organizational set-up.

Dr. Kalipada Baksi

Dr. Kalipada Baksi, Ph.D., was Reader of Philosophy at Ashutosh College, Kolkata. He is a founder member of Samikshani. He was a trainee in psychoanalysis with Dr. Sinha but discontinued training on Dr. Sinha’s demise. He served as President of Samikshani from 1991 till 2004, when he retired due to age and ill health. Dr. Baksi has translated a book by Freud into Bengali, which will be published soon by Samikshani.

Ms. Banani Ghosh

Ms. Banani Ghosh is Associate Professor in Philosophy at Bangabashi College, Kolkata. She has been a practicing counselor and trained under Dr. Sinha. She is a founder member of Samikshani and served on Samikshani’s board till 2004.